Hospitals have tons of daily disposals – ampules, medicine bottles, syringes, plastics, and more. And as they say, the more garbage you have, the greater the responsibility in terms of recycling and waste management. One of the best ways to manage hospital waste properly is the use of a compactor. Here are the reasons why.
A waste compactor helps reduce waste management expenses.
The trash placed inside the compactor is crushed into smaller pieces using a metal ram. Thus, it can help you maximize the space of the garbage bins. If the hospital usually disposes ten to ten extra-large garbage bags a day, using a compactor can probably cut it to half or even less. Fewer waste means less collections which can save tons of money over time. This machine is also helpful if the hospital plans to sell plastic products, cardboards, and aluminum cans because the utility personnel no longer have to worry about space.
A waste compactor helps maximize the productivity of maintenance workforce.
We all know that nobody (even maintenance personnel) likes to deal with unsanitary disposals. With the help of waste compactors, the maintenance staff could spend less time on emptying the garbage bins, and going to the dumpster since the compactor would do half of the job for them. As a result, they would spend more time on cleaning, and other important chores.
A waste compactor helps provide a tidier environment.
The hospital’s waste management system would surely improve with the help of compactors, leading to a tidier environment. You could free up some space, limit the use of bulky equipment and reduce the time of the waste’s stay in the building. This is highly beneficial for a hospital, especially because your utmost concern is the betterment of the patients’ overall health. If you’re troubled with odor, avoid putting food waste inside the compactor.
A waste compactor can help a hospital advance its environmental efforts.
One of the greatest attributes of a compactor is its ability to lessen the impact of all types of waste on landfills. As mentioned earlier, it compresses and crashes garbage to help maximize space. Try to research on the bulk of waste we throw into landfills each month. Once you’ve seen that, you’ll appreciate the amount of space we could save on such sites if we all use waste compactors.
Misuse no time! Upgrade your waste management system with the help of a waste contractor immediately.